© Sandra James 2024

Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a highly sensitive hands-on method using biofeedback from the body to measure changes in the Autonomic Nervous System (A.N.S) to identify areas of stress, the causes of that stress and how best to address it.
Developed by Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D. Ph.D. it looks for the stressed condition of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) called 'blocked regulation'.
Why is this important?
Blocked regulation is when stressors overwhelm the current capacity of the nervous system
The 'ANS' is then short-circuited, nothing works as intended with idiosyncratic reactions a hallmark of blocked regulation.
It is often what is happening when someone has 'tried' everything and nothing is working
Common causes include: undiagnosed food allergies, heavy metal toxicity, chemical toxicity, chronic unresolved infections, scars, temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, unresolved psycho-emotional stress, and electromagnetic stress.
What happens in an A.R.T session?
There is a huge amount of testing and balancing that can be completed. Our sessions will be designed based on your goals & priorities are for you.
The following can be included in your sessions:
Heavy metal & pesticide analysis
Infection analysis (retro-viruses, parasites, mold, viruses), See full list tested here
Lyme & co-infections
Locating accumulation of toxins and infections around the body
Food Allergies & Intolerances
EMF & Geopathic stress assessment
Dental & jaw assessment
Clearance of interference fields (scars, old injuries) and other energetic imbalances
Assessment of how well your body is absorbing & utilising herbs, supplements etc (v important)
Determining if there are any sabotaging beliefs that are countering desire to be well
Mental Field technique (Tap & tone) & BioMagnetism therapy
Applied Psycho Neurobiology (A.P.N) for any psycho-emotional root of physical issues and/or for any emotions held somatically
Herbal remedy and supplement testing – identifying any needed to support and assessing most helpful/priority items to support
Once issues are found to be blocking regulation and/or causing stress we can test the best solutions/interventions – these can be diet & lifestyle changes, nutrients, tapping points, and other therapeutic interventions.

It allows an evaluation at the 5 levels of healing model
Can see the whole person and do a whole body scan
Allows assessment if someone is in a place where they can heal or if their nervous system is overwhelmed (blocked regulation)
Determines key stressors, the priorities and how to work at the pace of your nervous system
Can test the body for resonance with an array of heavy metals, toxins and infections and body scan determines which organs and body systems are out of balance. Once issues are found to be causing stress to the body, can then test the best solutions /interventions to clear the stress -these solutions can be foods, nutrients, tapping points, lifestyle changes or other therapeutic interventions.
Can pinpoint if any further functional testing is required
I find it much more cost effective that starting with functional testing. Functional labs do not test the ANS , and do not help with prioritisation of things that come up, and may miss large stressors that need to dealt with first
I use less supplements ! Supplements can and do block regulation - Individual precision of supplements and dosages that will be helpful. Less is often more and I also use other energetic techniques such as acupressure and tapping that can be much more effective